Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Malt Shoppe

Ashley and I went to the Men's Basketball game then to The Malt Shoppe. This place is classic. The only problem is they have every flavor of shake imaginable... and we are the most indecisive girls on earth. We took at least half an hour just trying to decide what to get!
Hi, my name is Ashley. This monster shake and hamburger will give me a heart-attack.
But I love it!
We usually get pumpkin oreo or pumpkin cheesecake shakes. We went for a little something different this time. Ash got cookie dough/fudge and I got Reeses peanut butter cup. I would say that next time I'll stick to the classic flavors... but I'm not sure there will be a next time. We felt so sick after, we decided that from now on when we hang out we're going to eat carrots.

My Mission Call!

I had to wait for Jake and Christy to get off work, but I was surprisingly patient. Seriously, I could not believe how calm I was. I guess that's a good sign that I'm supposed to serve!
Being a little emotional as I read my call. Funny story - I read, "You are called to serve in the Florida Fort Lauderdale Mission. You will report to the MTC on February 17." Well I quit reading after that and we all oohed and ahhed. It wasn't until a few minutes later that I continued reading and I said, "Wait! Guys I'm going to be speaking Spanish!!" My Dad was thrilled.
Happy Sister Briggs!
My cute roommates covered the walls in our hallway with these cute little signs. How sweet is that? I have great roommates!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Playing Beauty Salon

Annie's boy friend, Cord, was coming to Provo to visit. She was really excited and she didn't care that her hair was a little dirty/greasy. She didn't want to wash it because, "my make-up turned out good today." I was NOT about to let her have icky hair with her boy coming down, so I volunteered to wash it for her.
We found out that you definitely need a real salon sink to wash your hair in. First of all, our sink was a bit small and the ends of her hair sometimes went down the drain. (gross.) Second of all, Annie almost broke her neck trying to stretch and get her head under the faucet. It was pretty hilarious!

I was having so much fun that I decided to brush, dry, and style her hair as well. Don't mind my creepy face here.

After lots of laughs, Annie's hair was done! And I might add that when Cord saw her, he said she looked beautiful. :) What a fun day!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

An Annual Tradition

Aaron and I hiked Adam's Canyon right before I left for school. This is the 4th year we've done the hike and it is always followed by a trip to Costa Vida. It's a fun tradition.

Aaron wanted to capture my hair is blowing in the wind. Apparently he likes that?

Hiking Timp

Daniel and I decided that it would be fun to get together and hike Mount Timpanogos before school started. I was a little nervous that I wouldn't be able to keep up with him, it's a 15 mile hike! But I did ok; I only had to tell him to stop and rest just a couple times.
A picturesque waterfall at one of the many switchbacks on the hike.
We ate lunch and took a nice break up at the top of the mountain. It was pretty hard to get up and hike back down after resting.. I want to call search and rescue to come pick me up in a helicopter. But once we got going, I was fine again. All in all, it was a great hike!

The Briggs Reunion

We had a great time at the waterfront up at the Heber Valley Girls Camp. Annie and I thought the paddleboats looked fun... We were sorely disappointed. We got in our boat and started peddling like crazy - ready to go faster than anyone has ever gone, right? The missionary who helped us off said, "Whoa whoa whoa, slow down girls. It doesn't matter how fast you peddle, the boat goes the same speed." What?!? We were stuck in that thing for an hour, pretty much going backwards it was so slow. But we still managed to have a good time...
Our cute parents. Dad of course strikes a candid pose with his paddle in the air.
These are our "Ahoy mateys!" and "Land Ho!" faces. We had to entertain ourselves SOMEHOW since our boat was so slow...
I must say, we are quite comfortable with ourselves to post such silly pictures.

The Temple

I worked in Bountiful this summer just 5 minutes away from the temple. So one day Annie drove up and met me at the temple right after I got off work. We did baptisms together, it was really fun.

Back in May my Mom and Annie came down to Provo and played with me. We went to a museum, to some antique shops, to a cute little sandwich shop, then to the temple. We had so much fun together! None of us really love shopping, we've tried doing that before and no one ended up too happy. This was a great alternative!
This is my favorite picture ever. Me and my Mom in front of the temple = picture perfect!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Zoo!

Me, Travis, and Preston went to the zoo the day after finals were over. I love these two boys. They are in the accounting program with me and we are best friends!

So there's a story behind Preston's pose. . . We were just looking at the gorilla and we watched as he popped a squat, pooed in his hand, then ATE it!!! We were dying, it was so disgusting. Sorry if that is inappropriate to share. It was pretty funny though, as gross as it was!

The End of the Semester!!!

After our last accounting final me and a bunch of my accounting friends went to Red Robin to celebrate. There was a group of fifteen of us, we were kind of rowdy but it was so much fun! The guys challenged me to eat "the monster burger"-- they didn't think I could. When they offered to pay for my meal in addition to paying me extra money on the side, I decided to forget about the calories and prove them wrong. . . It's not something I'm too proud of, honestly it's pretty gross! But what can I say?-- I gave into peer pressure!

Me and Kim. She was like my Mom in the Jr. Core.

Jason and Lexi. Lexi was in my group last semester, we spent like the whole semester together.

Me and Preston, he was in my group last semester too.

Me and my roommates going to Cafe Rio one last time. . . We love Cafe Rio! And can I just say that we were proud of ourselves for having leftovers to take home instead of eating all our food in one night!


This is my friend Daniel. We went to Pleasant Grove and hiked to this waterfall. We had the hardest time getting a good picture, this is the best one we got!
We found this cool little cave.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New Shoes!

So I just had to post a picture of the shoes I bought. Both were a steal of a deal! I got the dang cute brown ones on ebay for 40 bucks less than what they retail for. They are a little snug, but they're cute enough that I'm willing to wear them and get pinched toes!

I'm really excited about my new running shoes. I got them at a new shoe store in Provo called "Shoe Carnival." They had their athletic shoes buy one get one half off, so my roommate and I each got a pair and took advantage of the deal. Plus we had a $10 off coupon, so we got our shoes for a pretty good price!

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Men in My Life

So I saw the little shout out on the Pike family blog and I figured I should put SOMETHING on my blog since I have had it a couple months... So I decided to put up pictures of two of the cutest guys I've been out with this year.

Travis got home from his mission in December; he's what my Mom likes to call "the hot latin." I couldn't agree with her more! He is even more handsome in real life...

This good looking young man is in my ward; I am his Sunday School teacher. My ward put on a formal dinner/dance and paired people up and somehow I ended up with the cutest guy in the ward! I had so much fun with him. And can I point out how tall he is?? I even have heels on!

There. My first post!